Welcome To St.Levan Church

Contact Us

Contact us:

We are currently without a Rector, if you need to contact someone about any matters relating to St.Levan Church please contact the churchwardens.


Bridget Hugh-Jones   01736 810997   bridget@shellcottage.net

Lynn Batten  01736 810281  lynnbatten73@gmail.com


All requests for funerals will be handled by Rev'd Mike Searle email address mike.lamornavean@btinternet.com phone number 01736 810218

For enquiries about donating to the church or information about church fees, please contact the treasurer

Jackie Iles.   01736 811297    iles@bestline.co.uk


For other general enquiries please contact the sacristan

Penny Batten.   01736 810218.   pennybatten48@gmail.com


St Levan Church is just beyond the village of Porthcurno, past the Minack Theatre.

The church postcode is TR19 6JT

Parking is  available in the field next to the church. Please note that this is not a church car park.

There is a WC  available for church users.


For ALL Memorials and gravestones In the absence of an incumbent, this diocese hands over to the Rural Dean the legal responsibilities of handling memorial requests.

The Rural Dean is  Revd Nick Widdows






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Upcoming Events

Wednesday 25th December
Tuesday 31st December
Wednesday 1st January
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